Due to Resent events, I will admit my presentation was not as preperd or professorial as i would have liked. My Dyslexia and stress of proforming made me forget a lot of names and information i know and make me look a lot less knowledgeable on my topic than I really am.
However this may sound like a sad point I will not let it bring me down and Learn for the Future, A list of important names and terms I may use wright down on Paper to help me on my way.
Along with that I did Received a lot of good information.
It was commented that my Animations and research looked more focused on the Aesthetic of the animation rather than limited animation for television. It seems my lecheres are worried that if I focused to much on budgeting and the limitations that are bright along with TV animation, that It will hold me back fir what i can realy do, as this is not chalinging.
It was advised that I maby concentrate more on aesthetic in animation than the limitations so I am more free to explore my topic. and even tho my research point has changed everything I have already Research is still valid and useful for me to continue.
I was hoping more to concentrate on the marketing and production as this it what i hope for as a future corer, it is true that this hold me back and i would be better with a much more inexpressive portfolio than numbers and figures.
So I am changing for a more artistic direction for I am an artiest and a animator, not a businessman or mathmatishion.
Much like the animated movie, book of Kell^ the art of the animation is based on the original book of kell. Showing how a visual style can help the apple and push the story.
It was also stayed that my story (with the milk) seemed a little cleshay, like he had already seen it befor. My story is not the most original, but I liked it Generic quality. However as i am now changing my Main Objective this story is not appropite for it any way.
They said they enjoyed the story with my Chess board characters more...However...I realy dont like the chess idea. The chracters yes but the story feels dry and ..bllah...
So I may agein need to find a New story... hmm.
Straight after my presentation I went to book stors to look at children illistraters whos styles inspired me, (I will add the list latter)
But whill looking I relised It is not a Childs storry I want to animate so logicly this kind of ilistration is the wrong thing to look at, but it was still good Reserch in to there style. why cant we have more stylised animations like childrens books but theamd for adults.