Thursday, 18 April 2013

Basic animations : Review and Feedback fixing

Make the fether Off screen befor he gets up.
 More shake on the branch More preparation to push branch up.
Run and Hide Behind first tree get ride of the pause
 Have feather spin round him to stop in the ground more naturally (Updated feather spins round him now)
More scaird and clumsy run. Longer time seeing wolfs head
wolf smaller to stop the tail from being cut off screen
zoom out more to help wolfs porportions Add more ups and downs to run.
 Cut hand slighly quicker to line up with next scene
  (newest eddit zoomed out)
(Newest eddit wolfs triping)
needs more frames for turnarownd for more struggle.
 Reusable wolf run.
All together in timing.

Friday, 5 April 2013

NEW New animatic

here is Number 3 with most errors fixed to help flow and understanding. How ever still need to edit the second runing seen, need more distance between wolf and the 2 boys. ether a longer shot where the camra dosnt crab along with them or one that moves for a little.

Concept art:

Good but need to think more about how lighting will atchily effect the envirom ment. maby more hilights here and there with more detail.

It was also sigested t add a vignette (shaded edges) maby with a charcoal texture to help with an eirre feel.
(this is a Vignette I didn't know that till now haha) 

Positive And Negatives of Photoshop timeline cs6

I have been playing with cs6 photo shop as I was told it has animation sketchers much like flash and time lines.  This was a Grate help as I want my animation to be sylised and sketchy this would save time in production jumping back and forth from flash to photoshop. Make sure the frame arnt so jump and so on.

How ever when looking at CS6 I notes some complications.

The possitives are:

  1. Much more painting options than flash
  2. Im more comfortable drawing in Photoshop than flash
  3. can Import music
  4. Basic production animation add-ons, eg. dip to black, cross fade ext.
But the Negative are: 
  1. Hard to flick between
  2. frames do not have onion skin (but can get around with layers and opacity)
  3. Eatch layer is a frame of animation (thats a LOT of layers, may cose slow prosesses and need good orgnisation) 
  4. Difficult to eddit the time line

There may be more tatorials im still to find that will help with some of the ishus that I am having but from the tutotials I have seen, it looks like CS6 photoshop timeline is mostly for very basic animation. so I would be best makeing the basic animation in flash then clean up animation in Photoshop. 

It still has its perks and shall be used. I was also thinking of using after effects for the glow on the falling fether.

So Programs being used so far: 
  1. Photoshop CS6
  2. flash CS3
  3. Premier Pro
  4. After Effects (possibly) 

Inspiring Videos!

Animation and Music, Along with strong emotion and style.